012 Uncreated - Trade - Worth One's Salt

Georgiy Aleskeevich Yurlov, despised second son of Duke Yurlov. Demoted and exiled to the end of the world. Sent to waste away at a labor camp alone and forgotten. Worked to the bone like one of your prisoners. Put in an impossible situation. What will you do with the unexpected oddity that presents itself to you? Will you continue to kowtow, your face already scraped by the ground, or will you try a new approach?

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for this episode


Bayu Bayushki (Russian Wolf Lullaby) - Ashley Serena
Scary Breath by Titsher

The rest of the sound effects and music heard on the podcast are royalty-free pieces used through subscription services. If you are curious about a specific sound or tune you’ve heard in an episode, feel free to contact us about it. We’ll be more than happy to get back to you.