See the Light - GM Log
Salt mining
The episode See the Light is where the mystery of the Vatyr Salt Mines really kicks off. As a DM, it was a fun couple of sessions to steer. Compared to the events on the Asperity where things were happening without the players having any control, here the situation was at a standstill, and it was the stillness that caused the tension. I particularly like the Trade story arc as I think it has all the good elements of a good gothic horror story. The players dove into it. In the episode, the characters are inquisitive and ask good questions. Yet, they are still unaware of the scale of their task.
Salt Mine
The Vatyr Salt Mine is inspired by the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland where people started to excavate rock salt as early as the 13th century. It was in operation up until 1996. The mine is so vast that it extends over 287km (178 miles).
As I explain in the podcast, the excavation of rock salt is not the same as ore mining where you follow a mineral vein and must sort through rubble, Rock salt (or halite) is a sedimental rock formed by the evaporation of water. When a large body of water evaporates, large areas of halite are created and can be carved into directly. The Wieliczka Salt Mine has four chapels and multiple statues carved out of the halite. I suggest you look online at what the mine looks like, it’s quite impressive.
Before the invention of the combustion engine, salt mining was one of the most expensive and dangerous operations due to dehydration, direct contact with the salt, and accidental excessive sodium intake which can lead to serious medical conditions like hypernatremia (“where water to leach out of your cells and into your blood, in an attempt to dilute the excess sodium[x]”). Slaves or prisoners were commonly used as a workforce in the mines.
Darkvision in humans
Some astute listeners might wonder why Lucian is the only human incapable of seeing in the dark. How come? Or more precisely, why do humans see in the dark? At character creation, I allowed the players to use either the standard human, the human variant, or the custom lineage from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, as long as they were human. John asked if he could be an elf so I agreed he could be a dusk elf. Cameron and Hunter opted for the custom lineage with the Darkvision option and Cassandra chose the human variant. The human variant is the only one that does not have Darkvision.
In universe, I explain Barovians having Darkvision being a trait most acquired with time. An evolutionary response to the sun never shining upon the land. As Barovia is always in dim light, people have become accustomed to seeing low-light conditions. It’s a feature not everyone would have expressed within the few hundred years Strahd ruled over the land. Lucian still sees as a normal human while Zana and Aesafina have this new trait.
Gear Room
Gear room - refence only. Copyright Animated Dungeon Maps
Here is a still image I used for the elevator room for reference – Please do not use or share this map as it is not offered publicly (Some are! ) A lot of maps I use for Uncreated are from Animated Dungeon Maps and my players and I are in love! I highly recommend you check them out. Their Patreon starts at $3/month, and you get an incredible number of high-quality maps of all kinds. They have a lot of maps covered in snow, which was a godsend for me.
I described the gear room a little differently than the one pictured above. First, it was not overgrown by any moss or vegetation. The salt mine prevents any plant matter from thriving in the environment. Second, the surface is not cobblestone, but carved in directly in grey-white rock salt. It is a bit uneven and pockmarked in places but carved directly out of the earth. Finally, there is no sewage tunnel. The tunnel to the left is unobstructed, the is no opening to the south. To the north is the gate for the elevator. The players come and go through this place more than once and I reference the map quite often so this is why I share it with you today!